This is part of Bryce's state report that is due in mid May. This report is due in chunks and today was the day for his Tri-fold part of the project. There are state facts, interesting facts, important people and places of interest. There is also state history, products of Louisiana, the state flag, seal and several other facts. I think that he did a great job.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Louisiana State Report Trifold
This is part of Bryce's state report that is due in mid May. This report is due in chunks and today was the day for his Tri-fold part of the project. There are state facts, interesting facts, important people and places of interest. There is also state history, products of Louisiana, the state flag, seal and several other facts. I think that he did a great job.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I was feeling Crafty!
So today I was feeling a bit crafty so I broke out some supplies and started working on the numbers that I want to put up on the front room wall. These numbers are to be fun numbers to go along with my Pottery Barn Clock on the tall front room wall. Since the clock has the numbers 1-12 I wanted to find fun and interesting ways to continue the number theme on the wall. So here is #13 and #14. Number 13 was made out of paper mache' numbers I found at a local craft store. I then took scrapbook paper with letters of the Alphabet and cut them in strips and pasted them to the numbers with Hodge Podge. The number 14 is a canvas that I painted with red and blue paint and pasted some large paper numbers I bought almost 2 yrs ago (or longer) for a calender project. I then painted Hodge Podge over the whole thing to help seal it. I hope that I can find some time in the near future to work on a few more numbers.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Rawhide Mud Run
Today was the Mud Run at Rawhide. The main event was a 6 mile race with 9 obstacles that participants had to race through to reach the mud pit at the end for the finish line. The kids had it easier with a 1 mile run thru the town ending in the giant mud pit. Once it was time for the kids to start they actually ended up running a much shorter distance which was fine with them since they really only wanted to play in the mud! Bryce was a bit unsure about getting all muddy but once Kyle tackled him he did not have much of a choice. Kyle and Cristian however loved playing in the mud and other than being cold probably would have played a while longer. We also donated our dirty muddy shoes to the homeless so we did our part to help out.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Abraham Lincoln Wax Museum
Today was the day of the Wax Museum in Kyle's class. This is where the kids could dress up as their person from the Civil War and give hints as to who they were when people would push their button. We had a hard time figuring out what to use for Lincoln's beard and the one we came up with using foam sheets did not work out that well but he did a great job reciting all his facts and even taught the teacher a new fact she did not know (Lincoln kept notes and speeches in his hat).
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Fashion Sence
If you have ever seen the "People of Walmart" Website you will know why I had to post this picture. While we were doing a late night run to Walmart for school lunch snacks I had to laugh that one of my kiddos might be a person you might find on the Walmart site for the way he was dressed. Bryce was asked to go upstairs and change from his school clothes into something warmer since the day was very chilly. What he came down with and later left the house in is what promted this post.....

even Kyle was a bit off on his outfit choice.
even Kyle was a bit off on his outfit choice.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Abraham Lincoln
Kyle has been working on a report for school on Abraham Lincoln. The kids are supposed to research their character on who they were and what they did for the civil war. Once the project is done they are to turn in their poster board and then if they would like dress up like a WAX copy of their person and play a who am I with the class stating facts about their person. Kyle and I finished his poster board this evening to be turned in tomorrow and now get to work on making a stovepipe hat and beard for his wax presentation on Friday (more pictures to come).
Monday, April 19, 2010
Post AIMS Shakedown
Today the kids got a day off of learning at school and got to exercise, relax and play at the park before going back to school for pizza and a movie. The goal was to reward all the children for attending school all week during AIMS Testing and for doing their very best on the tests. Once they arrived at school they got settled and then lined up for the walk to the park. Once at the park they were separated into 6 groups mixed with 3rd through 5th graders. The kids then participated in events at 6 different stations for 30 minutes before switching to another station. Stations included: Kick Ball, Dodge ball, Tug of War, 3 Legged Race, Scooters, and Giant Parachute. I stayed to help out since Kyle had hurt his knee at the fun run and I did not want him walking to the park. It was a nice day outside and a bit overcast so it was a perfect day to be outside watching both boys having fun with friends.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Nature is only out in the great outdoors
Well it happened again! Mark got to take the Rhino out to play in the desert. As he took turns taking the boys out on rides I got some down time to read and relax. We went to the other side of Rolls this time which really seamed more suited for shooting than for ATV riding but we found a nice lil area to set up the ez-up. There were several flowers blooming nearby so that meant there were also bees. Most of the time they seemed to leave us alone but a few times we had a few that were interested in finding out if we were sweet enough. I did get to take a few shots of a bee interested in a flower and Mark and the boys had a blast. So even though I drug my feet going out on the Rhino it really was a nice day!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Family Fun Run in Chandler
Today was the family fun run in Chandler where we all signed up to walk/run the Approx 2 miles along one of the canals in Chandler. Kyle, Bryce, and Christian started off the walk with Mrs. Browne and Mark and I pulled up the rear with one of Mrs. Browne's girls and Miguel and 2 of his kiddos. Now I know I am not in the best of shape but I KNEW that the approx. 2 miles was a bit Turns out that it really was 3.6 miles in total. It really was a nice afternoon spent with family and friends and great weather here in AZ. Next weekend Kyle and Bryce are off to a Mud Run at Rawhide!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Arrrrrgggg! A Pirates Life for Me!
Tonight we were watching one of our favorite TV shows on food network "Dinner Impossible". On tonights episode Robert had to cook for a bunch of Pirates. As we continue to watch the intro to the show and see what his challange entails Mark and I look over and see Bryce is now dawning his Pirate head wear....LOL
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Taxes are DONE!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Silly Subway Faces
Construction Project
This pile of wood may not look like much now but in a few short weeks we hope to transform this pile of wood into a PLINKO game for the school carnival. Ever since I signed up to help the carnival committee with helping the teachers sign up for carnival booths I have wanted one of my kids grades to do Plinko. So I talked to Mrs. Browne and she was all for it. Of course that ment someone would have to make one. So I hit the information super highway in search of plans or instructions on hiw to make one. I found a few sites and a few pictures and Mark thinks it is possible. So we went dumpster diving at some local construction sites tonight to pick up some "supplies" and we will get a few items from a local hardware store. I am hoping we can find some time this weekend to start the construction process.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Birthday Bathtub
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Swimming again with dad
Can you believe that a few days after taking a chilly dip with some friends that they wanted to go swimming again? This time it was just the four of us so I brought my book and sat in the lawn chairs and read. It was a nice day again but the water was still heart stopping cold and it was also turning into evening shortly. The kids still had fun playing "tip me in the raft dad" and playing around.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Chilly Dip!
Swimming with friends is a great way to kill a afternoon and today all the kiddos wanted to swim. Melissa and I agreed to meet at the neighborhood pool since it was heated and it was a nice day. When we got to the pool the kids threw their shirts and shoes and run to jump in the pool. IT WAS FREEZING! I guess the HOA did not heat the pool this season. Kids being kids did not mind that it was that cold after a few minutes but did run between the playground and the pool a few times to dry off and keep warm.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Sunday at Church
The boys know the truth about the Easter Bunny so there was no hiding eggs this year. But church was having an Easter "hunt" so the kids had fun with Seth and Drew picking eggs. We all had a great service and I think left with something to think about for the day other than the Easter Bunny. After church we went to spend quality time with family with Mark's parents.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Birthday Drive-In Movie
For Kyle's Birthday party with friends and family we did a movie night at the drive-in theater. We went to see How to Tame Your Dragon/Percy Jackson Lightning Thief. Mandy and Ronnie brought their 3 kids and Melissa and Miguel brought their 3 kids, Nana and Uncle Jerry also came so in total we had 8 adults and 8 kiddos. We got there a bit early so we could pick a great spot to set up the trailer and the 4 cars. The kids threw footballs and played games then back to the car to do birthday cupcakes and watch the movie. We all had a blast and even though it was a LATE night after the double feature we would love to do it again!
Sour FACE!
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