Saturday, August 28, 2010

An unexpected day out on the Rhino

A day trip that was supposed to take us to Workmans Creek ended up nowhere near there. While getting lunch at Subway before we headed up to the falls the gentleman behind the counter told us about an area right near the falls called "the Tubs" which are a collection of 3 small water pools. So once we got near the falls we set off to find "the Tubs". Since we did not really have detailed directions we ended up passing them. Since we were running a little low on gas (still had enough to get around but if we explored more we would possibly need it before heading back to Globe). Since the Town of Young was only 20 miles down the road we figured we would drive into Young and get gas and then turn back around. Turns out Young has NO gas stations!! And at this time kids are hungry and we still had 21+ more miles till we got into Heber to find a gas station.So as we drove toward Heber we kept an eye out for a place to pull over and have lunch and get back on the road. We found a Fire road near a beautiful grassy area so we pulled over and unloaded the cooler and chairs. While unloading we saw several other people pull onto the fire road so Mark unloaded the Rhino and went for a short drive to see how far the trail went. Once he got back we had a nice picnic lunch (flowers and all) and the kids did a little exploring with Mark. After lunch was over we took off down the fire road to see how far we could go! We took several different paths and even found a few places that we might try to camp in next time we go out. We also found a beautiful creek that we would love to explore on another day. Once we loaded up and started heading towards Heber/Payson we where quickly stopped as a deer jumped out in front of the van to visit their friends on the other side. So as quietly as we could we took a few shots of the deer (the kids loved it) while they were close to the road. We ultimately decided to drive into Payson so that we could head home that way. So after Mark used the extra fuel for the Rhino to make sure we could make it into Payson we headed off. We stopped in payson before heading home for gas and dinner. We chose to eat at a new restaurant that looked cute and we were glad we did. Not only was the food YUMMY but the portions were HUGE.Once we walked out of the restaurant the storms that were in the valley started in Payson. It made the sky's beautiful with patchy blue and black skies and Lightning strikes.
So even though the day did not go as planned some of the best things in life are unplanned!

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